
Showing posts from December, 2019

Why are dental surgical lights so important?

Within the surgery, lighting has twofunctions: Task lighting and Ambient lighting. Ideally for the rest of thepractice the luminance should still be a consideration depending on theenvironment. Understanding the possibilities and solutions are crucial toachieving the best outcome from lighting and the improvements this can bring. With regards to the contrasting light sources of adental surgery, most dentists have to adjust their vision to cope with thelight conditions produced by the operating lamp and the ceiling lighting.Eyesight tends to deteriorate with age, meaning that our eyes require morelight to see at the same degree. Eye strain, fatigue, headaches andenvironmental stress are all common afflictions, as well as neck and backstrain. All of these can be prevented with the optimum lighting set-up tominimise the risk of strain while ensuring the most favourable view of thepatient’s mouth. The right  dental surgical lights  should strike abalance between pro...